Eat Right, Exercise, and Drink MonaVie Everyday! Please Click To View

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

RVL Weight Management Offers >> FLEXIBILITY

Greetings ...
"Flexibility" Is what MonaVie RVL Weight Management is all about !!
Not everyone is on the Same page when it comes to Weight Management.
While one person may require our full weight management plan, anouther
person may only need the Morning and Noon meal replacement shake.
while others, only require their special selection of the MonaVie Juices
and our select Vitamin and Mineral Elements.
No matter who you are, or what your weight management may require,
we have a flexable plan available to fit your your needs and your budget.
Get Started today !! It's never to late to loose weight 
To Learn More Go Here >>>



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Vitamins, Minerals and The New You !!


Interested in a cutting edge vitamin and mineral source?
Introducing " Elements" by MonaVie. 
MonaVie's New Vitamin and Mineral  Product Line !!
Click on to the link below... It is very informative and
well worth the view.

"NOTE" While your on the link,
Take time to play the "Introductory Video" at the bottom of the page

Thanks for stopping by,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Drink Your Fruits and Veggies !!!

It is Important to Note,

Our MonaVie Premier Products and  Juice blends are not a
cure-all for cancer or any other inflammatory disease of the body.

 Our Super Juices have been specifically formulated to provide you

with powerful nutrients that contain antioxidants and polyphenols

that can aid your body in the fight against aging and other

symptoms of Oxidative Stress. In fact, just four ounces

provides you with the antioxidant capacity of approximately

13 servings of common fruits and veggies.. !!!

To learn more about your body and the effects of Oxidative stress
click onto the following link provided by News- Medical

Thanks for stopping by...


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The New You Is Just Around The Corner !!

Are You Interested In a
Weight Management Program That Works?   
 Monavie RVL Weight Management offers You The Best
And Most Affordable Products and Program in Today's Market Place.
 Take Action Today !!
People from all walks of  life on our
Products and Program are losing weight !!
See For Yourself;
   Click on to this link ...
 Review the RVL Success Stories and Play the very
informative RVL information video
at the bottom of the page.  
 ... It's Never To Late To Lose Weight ...
Want to speak with someone about our program ?

 Call-630-584-2287. Ask for Mike or Barb.
   Thanks For Stopping By !! 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Take our Monavie Products For Test Drive

Welcome !!
 Would you purchase a new car without taking it for a test drive? We don't think so...
Our MonaVie product line is no different,
weather your interested in our Incredible Juices 
The MonaVie RVL Weight Management Program and our free online Weight Management Monitor System.
You need to try it first... The best way to get started is to Enroll  as a Preferred Customer.This way, you are able to purchase the products you want at our distributor prices. Then, If you like the product and it's working for you, You will more than likely want to share your new discovery with others,  and consider the possibility of becoming a distributor. 
To  learn more about our incredible product line, please click on this link
   Let us assist you with suggestions for your first order that won't break the bank.
Take your MonaVie test drive today?

Have Questions ?? Call Mike  630-584-2287
Great weight management information
On this link
 Thanks for stopping by

Friday, February 10, 2012

MonaVie Senior VP Jeff Graham and Bernie Landes - A RVL -ing Conversation

Please take time to view this video.. RVL !! MonaVie's New Common Sense Approach To Weight Management
Please feel free to contact us for more information or to Enroll ;  tel 630-584-2287
Thanks for stopping by...
MonaVie Mike


Monday, January 30, 2012

Distributor or Preferred Customer

There are times when I am explaining the  healthy body benefits of MonaVie or,
The Weight Management Program, I will run across Mr. or, Ms. Skeptic....
One of their first statements is... Oh, Is this a Direct Marketing Company? 
My response is always the same..Yes it is. Have you ever bought products from companies like... Herbal life, Amway, Avon or Mary Kay?
95 % of the time their answer is Yes... Well, these are all successful Direct Marketing Companies.... MonVie, Inc. is the fastest growing Direct Marketing Company Ever.
As a distributor, I believe, because MonaVie offers specific cutting edge health oriented products along with an Incredible Weight Management Program that works... Plus the fact, that more people than ever before, are jumping on the "Lets get healthy bandwagon'' It definitely makes your work and presentation Easy and Fun.
Please take time to click in the link below.... It explains every thing in detail;
Many MonaVie distributors tested the MonaVie waters by becoming preferred customers first. Then after actually feeling the difference, They enroll as distributors and begin to share their new healthy MonaVie discovery with others.
If you and others you know, are sick and tired of being sick and tired... Perhaps you too should begin by testing the MonaVie waters and enroll as a preferred customer...
Start with the Weight Management Program.. It's fun, it's easy and it works. 
Call 630-584-2287 ask for Mike or Barb. We will help you through the Preferred Costumer enrollment procedure... It takes about 5 minutes.
Click below To learn more about Monavie and their incredible product line. 

Thanks for Stopping By,


Saturday, January 14, 2012

To learn more about our Great Products & Company... click on the link below

Hi !! Yes we know....
you would like to learn more about our MonaVie products?  The following link will answer almost any question you might have about our company or products;
Would you like to try MonaVie ? If so, the best way is to enroll !! You may enroll as a Preferred Customer... or as a Distributor. Many enroll as a Preferred Customer before becoming a Distributor. This type of enrollment allows new customers who would like to try MonaVie the opportunity to purchase it at the Distributor price.
Others (Like Me) Jump in with both feet and enroll as distributors immediately !
Either way, Just give us a call and we will assist you through the enrollment procedure.. it's really easy... A Cave Man Can Do It !!
would you like to speak with a live person? Call 1-630-584-2287 If we are not in
(and sometimes we are not) leave a message for Mike or Barb  we will get back to you ASAP.

Thanks for stopping by !!!



Doctors TV Show Reccomends MonaVie!