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Monday, January 30, 2012

Distributor or Preferred Customer

There are times when I am explaining the  healthy body benefits of MonaVie or,
The Weight Management Program, I will run across Mr. or, Ms. Skeptic....
One of their first statements is... Oh, Is this a Direct Marketing Company? 
My response is always the same..Yes it is. Have you ever bought products from companies like... Herbal life, Amway, Avon or Mary Kay?
95 % of the time their answer is Yes... Well, these are all successful Direct Marketing Companies.... MonVie, Inc. is the fastest growing Direct Marketing Company Ever.
As a distributor, I believe, because MonaVie offers specific cutting edge health oriented products along with an Incredible Weight Management Program that works... Plus the fact, that more people than ever before, are jumping on the "Lets get healthy bandwagon'' It definitely makes your work and presentation Easy and Fun.
Please take time to click in the link below.... It explains every thing in detail;
Many MonaVie distributors tested the MonaVie waters by becoming preferred customers first. Then after actually feeling the difference, They enroll as distributors and begin to share their new healthy MonaVie discovery with others.
If you and others you know, are sick and tired of being sick and tired... Perhaps you too should begin by testing the MonaVie waters and enroll as a preferred customer...
Start with the Weight Management Program.. It's fun, it's easy and it works. 
Call 630-584-2287 ask for Mike or Barb. We will help you through the Preferred Costumer enrollment procedure... It takes about 5 minutes.
Click below To learn more about Monavie and their incredible product line. 

Thanks for Stopping By,


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